A journey to the heart of the seasons
As its name suggests, the goal of chiharmonie is to bring us into overall harmony between body and mind, while activating our life energy: the chi!
A journey to the heart of your self
The chiharmonie philosophy is that as soon as you can breathe, you can practice! It’s never too late to start!
Who are we?
We have been passionate about movement and a holistic approach to body and health for years.
Our different personalities complement each other and work together to find balance: A Yin and Yang duet!
chiharmonie training
Are you new to chiharmonie and want to learn about it? Do you practice chiharmonie occasionally or regularly and want to do something good for yourself? It’s possible. Are you a chiharmonie instructor and want to be inspired or improve your skills? It is possible.
These events are open to everyone!

Switzerland and Spain
You can find all our activities on the “Events” page
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You will receive news from the Kaizen Center and the Deux Universes Center several times a year to keep you informed of important events and news!
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